What is the Value of a New Home Introduction?

Considering waiving a home inspection?

While we don’t recommend it, we know it’s something that happens. The competition of home buying can be fierce. If you’ve been forced to waive your inspection it’s not too late to get a better look at your home. Musselman Home Inspection offers a service to help buyers after they move in. We call it The New Home Introduction

Not only does buying without an inspection leave homebuyers with possible underlying issues that can cost them big down the line,  it’s also a missed opportunity to really get to know the place they are going to call home. Moving into a new house can be tricky. Questions start to arise that you’ve never even considered.

We like to compare it to the car buying process. When you make that purchase, a sales rep will come out to the car with you, pointing out specs, features, and basic operations. They’ll also let you know when routine maintenance is needed, like when to change the oil or rotate the tires.

The New Home Introduction is a service we provide that essentially does this, but for the home.

We’ll take you on an education inspired journey in which our trained professionals guide the homeowner on an extensive and educational tour of the home. We’ll help you better understand the property as it stands today, as well as offer proper maintenance tips including, but not limited to…

  • How to properly manage water around the exterior of the home to prevent water infiltration (water IS the root of all evil!)
  • Tips on keeping pests away from the home
  • Managing and maintaining shrubs and grading 
  • Evaluation of roof condition and age, and tips to prevent leakage
  • How to maintain all of the operating systems of the home, and their current age
  • Evaluation of the electrical panel and education on how it works
  • Changing of air filters, smoke alarms and other health related hazards throughout the home
  • AND answers to many more questions on the daily functions and systems within a household.

Our goal is to leave the homeowner feeling educated about their largest investment and empowered with knowledge as to how they can properly manage and maintain a safe and healthy home moving forward.

To learn more about our New Home Introduction, visit our website or give us a call today at 267-328-4663.